•   Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025
Google Support Partner desk email partnership

Partner Support Desk Googles anti-bribery due diligence process google workspace emails partnership

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  Naveen Sridhara

Partner Support Desk Googles anti-bribery due diligence process google workspace emails partnership


You have complete Google's anti-bribery due diligence process. Various law enforcement agencies -- now more than ever -- are requiring companies to conduct due diligence on their business partners. To that end, Google conducts due diligence and basic background checks on all partners. In this process you have to answer 10 check list.

This is a 3rd part verification. Evry year you have to submit to countunue the partnership with google.

Step :1

- Terms & Consent

    Just Accept and move to next step

Step :2

- General Details    

Step :3

- Company Details

When was your company established?*

  As per registration date you have enter this

Is your company owned by another entity?*

  Max its No, if you company works under other company then check yes 

  answer is no.

To your knowledge, does your company have any affiliates (e.g., parent companies, sister companies, or subsidiaries) currently working with Google?*

  No, if you have one company simply say no

  only on few cases yes if you are as director/partner in other company and that company do the same business

Is your company subject to the United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) rules?*

   No, if you are indian company no need to follow SEC rules

Are your company's registered securities publicly traded?*

   No, if it is small company and not listed company

   Publicly traded company have 2 thing 

      1: First, the company's securities trade on public markets; 

      2: Second, the company discloses certain business and financial information regularly to the public.

Is your company wholly or partially owned by the government?*

  No, for small companies

  yes, if you have below 2 things

     1: A wholly-owned subsidiary is a company whose common stock is 100% owned by a parent company.

     2:  government-owned enterprises in which 51 percent    

Historical Background:

In the past 7 years, have you or your company including any principals, owners, partners, directors, officers or employees of the company had any of the following occur:

Been arrested or charged with a business crime or offense?*

  No, if not arrested

Been a defendant in any criminal or securities matter in a court of law?*

   No, If you are not defendant

Been suspended, sanctioned, or debarred by (i) any government agency or (ii) public international organization, such as the World Bank or United Nations?*

   No, If not suspended

Has the company, or any of its employees, owners, or agents been the subject of an internal and/or government/regulatory investigation involving bribery or corruption issues?*

  No, if no corruption 

Been involved with governmental inquiries, investigations, criminal proceedings, regulatory or enforcement actions?*

  No, if not involved in police cases

International business

Please indicate all countries where your Company will either resell or provide goods or services for Google.

  India only, 

  if you put other countries you have write many exams

Please describe the purpose of your company's interactions with Government Officials or Entities on Google’s behalf*

   No, No need any integrations with government 

Third party comments

   no comments 

Step :4

- Government Relationships

  Does your company have any relationships with Government Entities that are not related to sales (e.g., political contributions, charitable or product/service donations, receipt of government funding, etc.)?*


Do any of your company’s employees currently hold a position with a Government Entity or Political Organization?*


Have any of your company’s current employees previously held a position with a Governmental Entity or Political Organization?*


Do any of your company's employees have a close personal relationship with any Government Official with whom your company currently conducts business, has conducted business, or intends to conduct business, on behalf of Google?*


Third party comments

   no comments 

Step :5

- Joint Ventures / Consortia

Please provide the following information on your Company’s officers (or persons holding equivalent positions).

   Add partners

Is your company entering into a Joint Venture or Consortium relationship with Google?*


  if yes you need to enter google director name

Step :6

Government Interactions

Will your company use or manage any third parties or other intermediaries to interact with any Government Official or Entity on Google's behalf?*


Step :7

Googler Relationships

  To the best of your knowledge, does anyone in your company have a close personal relationship with any Google employee?*


 Is there any other relevant information about your Company’s relationship with Google that has not been covered by the preceding questions, which you would like to disclose?*


 Third party comments

  No more coments

Step :8

- Anti-Bribery Certification

    Just follow its a simple screen

Step :9

- ABAC Training Q&A

1. Bribery can be defined as any attempt or action to give, pay, or promise something of value to anyone in order to improperly influence a business decision or gain a commercial advantage. You are doing business with a person named Jane Smith. Which of the following is likely to be considered “something of value” under bribery laws?*

  - All the above

2. True or False: Small payments do not violate any bribery laws if they are less than US$20 and are recorded properly.*

  - False, a payment of any size

3. You are involved in a bid. In order to schmooze your potential customer, you tell the procurement officer that you could offer her a job after she retires next year. Your company ends up losing the bid. Is there a potential violation of any bribery laws?*

  Yes, a promise or offer can be bribery

4. In the training scenario, the agent John asked for a 50% increase in his commission. Which of the following questions should you ask in reviewing this type of request?

   - All the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a red flag for bribery?*

   - Request to talk on the phone

6. True or False: If your company has anti-bribery provisions in your contracts, then you are safe from violating any bribery laws.*


7. There are specific laws against bribery of government officials. Who would be considered a government official?*

   All the abovee

8. Which of the following would probably NOT be deemed a reasonable expense (even assuming there is a valid business justification for the underlying event)?

   Paying for a spouse travel

9. Red flag indications for bribery appear more often in certain aspects of business. Select those areas below:*

    all the above

10. What may happen when an employee violates bribery laws?*

    A, B and D only

Step :10

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